Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Salmon Teriyaki

Teriyaki sauce is one of my favourite sauces as i find the salty/sweet combination really appetising. Its also so versatile since it can be used with salmon, chicken, beef, pork and even on vegetables! I adapted this recipe from my good friend and cook Sasa's Blog (http://singlishswenglish.blogspot.com). Check it out if you have time as there are loads of interesting recipes in there so you won't regret it! :)


Sesame Seeds

Teriyaki Sauce 
3 tablespoons soy
3 tablespoons mirin
1 tablespoon sugar


1. Marinate the salmon overnight in the teriyaki sauce mixture.
2. Remove the salmon from the marinade and pat it dry.
3: Heat the marinade and reduce it to a sticky consistency
4: Bake the salmon for about 15 mins at 200 deg C
5: Sprinkle sesame seeds and pour marinade over salmon. Serve with rice and blanched choi sum.


  1. This is my favorite way to cook salmon. Yours have a really nice glossy finish look. Love it.

  2. This is our favourite ~ salmon and teriyaki, just like marriage made in heaven... :D
    (but I cheated and use the store-bought jar... ;))

  3. Yummy!

    It's been awhile since I last cooked this. You made me wanna go buy some salmon now! ^^

  4. Looks delicious and I love the add on of the sesame seeds. Yum!

  5. Thanks for the comments everyone!! :)

    Ellie: It sure is a quick, easy and tasty way to cook salmon!:)

    Lisa: Try making the sauce yourself as it's pretty easy too. :)

    lina: yes, quick go and buy some!! your tummy will thank you for it! haha

    Jenelle: it's really was good. try it soon! :)

  6. Teriyaki salmon is one of my favourite dishes!

  7. I enjoy Teriyaki salmon too but never cooked that at home before. Usually I just pan-sear salmon (with salt and pepper) or more often does En Papillote of Salmon with Vegetables.

  8. mycookinghut: I think there should be many other Teriyaki salmon lovers out there too as it's so delicious!

    tigerfish: give it a go cos it's really easy. I don't really know what En Papillote of Salmon is but i'll search for a recipe. Thanks for letting me know about it.

  9. I adore salmon and am always looking for recipes. This one is a keeper. Simple and delicious I'm sure.

    Thanks for sharing, Peachie...

    P.S. I think, I'm not positive, but I think tigerfish is referring to baking the salmon wrapped in parchment.

  10. you are very welcome, louise. hope you'll like it cooked this way. Thanks for clarifying what it is and i gotta try cooking it that way soon. :)

  11. DELICIOUS photos, a beautiful combination and it sounds wonderfully tasty

  12. Your salmon teriyaki looks perfect... it has nice glaze and all I need is a bowl of good rice and I'd be super happy!

  13. I was quite happy when I ate it but too bad I didn't have Japanese rice at that time.
