Sunday, 16 October 2011

A Foggy Morning

The fog may cause loads of problems but it can also be a pretty sight sometimes when we are in the right place at the right time. Went out for an early morning walk today and this was what greeted us. :) It was a good walk but it gave me very frozen toes so I was very glad to get back home to enjoy a hot mug of tea!


  1. I feel wistful and elated at the same time, Sylvia. Stunning capture...

  2. I love foggy moments. Definitely creative in natural photography. I would love to go back to UK anytime soon.

  3. Better fog than haze, anytime! ^^

    I love foggy days. It has a mysterious feel to it.

  4. Three cookies: Please don't remind me. ;)
    louise: thanks!
    veganmama: yes! you should make another trip here!
    lina: haha, i would have to agree that fog's better too!
    Sissi: yes it is!

  5. Beautiful!!! SF gets foggy too...but something tells me it's not SF...

  6. Lovely images! Feels like in a wonderland!

  7. Here it is very foggy right now- so it is just the right time to say how beautiful your pictures are.

  8. Thanks Leemei and Lavieenfribourg!
